Graduation Information
Upon the recommendation of the faculty and the approval of the Board of Trustees, the University of Evansville confers its academic degrees. Only those candidates who have fulfilled all scholastic requirements for a degree and who have met their financial obligations to the University will be recommended for the degree. Degrees are conferred at the end of the fall semester, the end of the spring semester, and the end of each summer term.
Application for a Degree
A candidate for a degree must file an application for the degree in the Office of the Registrar one year prior to the intended date of graduation. While the registrar will conduct a degree audit on behalf of the University, it is the student's responsibility to ensure that all graduation requirements are met.
Graduation under a Particular Catalog
University policy allows a student seven years to graduate under the catalog in effect at the time of initial enrollment at the University of Evansville unless the student is readmitted after a one-calendar-year or more break in attendance. Students who are readmitted to the University after a one-year or more absence will follow the catalog in effect at the time of their re-entry. Students who are pursuing two (or more) degrees simultaneously or who wish to earn an additional degree (see "Requirements for an Additional Degree") after completing the first may follow the same catalog as for the first degree if (a) no more than seven years have elapsed since their initial enrollment at the University and (b) there has not been an absence from the University of more than one academic year.
Candidate Clearance
The University will be responsible for including on the list of graduates only those students who have submitted the application for degree and have met all academic requirements and all financial obligations. Deficiencies in academic requirements, such as incomplete grades and course substitutions, must be cleared no later than two weeks prior to the expected date of graduation.
Graduation with Honors
Students who have maintained their scholastic standing at a high level will graduate with honors. Sixty-three credit hours (minimum) must be earned in residence at the University of Evansville. Students acquiring a grade point average of 3.85 will receive their degrees summa cum laude; students acquiring a grade point average of 3.70 will receive their degrees magna cum laude; and students acquiring a grade point average of 3.50 will receive their degrees cum laude. The GPA is not rounded up in determining whether students meet the minimum GPA requirement for any level of honors.
Commencement exercises are held annually in May. Students completing degree requirements in the current academic year and following summer sessions may participate in the ceremony.
Office Phone
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Office Location
Room 116, Olmsted Administration Hall